A green setting 25 minutes from Paris - Ideally located in eastern Paris, the Bussy-Guermantes Marne La Vallée golf course offers two 9 & 18-hole courses.
The initial course, designed by JC Cornillot, celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2018. In 2002, the site was enlarged, an extension made it possible to widen the offer to 2 tree-lined courses, embellished with a few mounds and punctuated by a few pieces of ''water.
The terrace / Bar Restaurant - Nestled in lush greenery , with an exceptional view of the golf course, the restaurant La Terrasse is an ideal place for lunch with family, friends, or for a professional meal.
The interior of the restaurant, with its neat decoration, has been redesigned and refurbished by the architect Jean-Luc Roux in an elegant and colorful atmosphere.
Source: https://www.golfbussyguermantes.com/
Golf de Bussy-Guermantes
1 Prom. des Golfeurs, 77600 Bussy-Saint-Georges
+33 1 64 66 00 00
Architect: JC Cornillot
Public: Yes
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y4AWFAx4u7U&pp=ygUVYnVzc3kgZ3Vlcm1hbnRlcyBnb2xm